Mark Leon Goldberg, host and founder of the Global Dispatches Podcast and Editor-in-Chief of UN Dispatch, discussed the challenges of pursuing genocide cases at the International Court of Justice. He highlighted the lengthy and drawn-out process, attributing it to the structural operations of the ICJ and the intricate legal questions surrounding genocide. Additionally, he suggested that efforts to make Israel abide by provisional measures to prevent genocide in Gaza and improve the humanitarian situation face de-lays due to the complex nature of international law. Goldberg argued that the wheels of justice at the ICJ move slowly, referencing the four-year duration for the 2019 genocide case brought by the Gambia against Myanmar. Further, he predicted that such cases will continue to take many years, casting doubt on the expeditious resolution of genocide allegations.
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#GenocideJustice #ICJChallenges #InternationalLawComplexities #Is-raelGenocideCase #GazaHumanitarianCrisis #JusticeDelayedinICJ #Genocide #UN
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