Senegal President’s election delay triggers political crisis | DW News

Estimated read time 2 min read

To the outside world, Senegal has appeared to be one of West Africa’s more stable democracies, at least until now. But internally, the political scene is in turmoil. The country was supposed to be having elections in just over two weeks time, but President Macky Sall, who was due to step down, instead postponed the exercise. And that’s sparked anger.
In recent years, political protests have become more common in Senegal and human rights groups have accused the country’s security forces of using excessive force to crack down on dissent. While the threat of violence awaits those taking to the streets, some Senegalese are also using art to express their grievances, as DW’s Sira Thierij reports from Dakar.

00:00 Intro and report
02:50 DW speaks with Latyr Tine, Senior Programme Officer at Goree Institut
09:35 Sira Thierij’s report on art as protest in Senegal


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