Army seizes power in Guinea, detains President Alpha Conde | DW News

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Soldiers in the West African state of Guinea are holding longtime president Alpha Conde – and have declared a nationwide curfew. Members of the international community – including former colonial power France and the United States – have condemned the putsch. And the UN Secretary-General has called for the president’s release.
It’s been 24 hours of uncertainty and turmoil in Guinea since the coup began. It started in the Kaloum neighborhood of the capital Conakry, where the presidential palace is located.
Gunfire erupted and fighting broke out near the presidential palace in Conakry early Sunday morning. Special forces say they ousted President Alpha Conde and took control of the government.
The coup leaders say President Conde is unharmed. They released a video showing him in their custody. His current location is unknown.
Conde became Guinea’s first democratically elected leader in 2010. But to stay in power, he changed the constitution, which limited his time in power, to allow himself a third term in office.
People took to the streets of Conakry to celebrate the military takeover.
The international community is condemning the coup. But it’s still unclear how Guinea’s political elite will react to Conde’s ousting. The mutineers have summoned the current ministers to meet with them, and said a refusal to attend will be considered rebellion.


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