Coronavirus update: Will border closings help curb the spread? | DW News

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Europe’s open borders are beginning to close. Germany has joined a growing list of EU countries to at least partially shut out its neighbors in a bid to halt the spread of the coronavirus. The German government has announced controls on its borders with Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and Luxembourg. New restrictions are also being imposed on the French-German frontier. Meanwhile, Spain has also locked down much of the country for two weeks to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Spain is suffering from the second worst outbreak in Europe, after Italy. In Italy, 368 new coronavirus-related deaths were reported, making it the worst single-day toll for any country since the crisis began.
More coronavirus developments around the globe:
– Peru has declared a state of emergency and closed its borders. Security forces are helping to impose self-quarantine of the population.
– Venezuela has ordered residents to stay home unter quarantine in seven of its states, including the capital Caracas.
– China is putting all international arrivals to Beijing in quarantine. It reported 16 new cases on Monday, including 12 arriving from abroad.
– Iran reported one hundred and thirteen new deaths from coronavirus, taking the death toll to more than 720.

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