Could Trump turn a Democrat stronghold like New York? | DW News

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The US election is heading into its final week of campaigning. Both candidates for the White House spent a carried out a full schedule of events over the weekend as the seek to build up momentum for a final push. Vice-President Kamala Harris criss-crossed the battleground state of Pennsylvania on Sunday.
Her challenge Donald Trump took his campaign to the Democrat stronghold of New York City. Republican speakers in NYC have been addressing a crowd of 20,000 at Madison Square Garden, a high-profile venue in a state which last backed a Republican for president 40 years ago.
Trump channeled his reality TV star past with an attack on his challenger Kamala Harris and her record in office over the past four years.
00:00 Why Trump is rallying at Madison Square Garden
00:30 “You’re fired!” – Trump
01:11 DW Special Correspondent Aya Ibrahim


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