DW News March 19 | US-led Ukraine defense group announces more aid for Ukraine | Full Broadcast

Estimated read time 1 min read

On the program today:

Berlin announces more aid for Ukraine, at conference of Kiev’s military backers in Germany – as US defense secretary Lloyd Austin warns that Ukraine’s survival is in danger.

The United States delivers another warning about Gaza’s starving civilians.
As Israeli forces pound the territory and plan a new offensive – Washington and the UN say Gazans are already facing a hunger catastrophe.

Hong Kong’s parliament approves a Beijing-backed national security law that gives the government even greater powers to quash dissent – after previous attempts to pass it were met with mass protests.

Heatwaves don’t just happen on land – but in the oceans as well, where they’re having a devastating impact on marine life like coral. We’ll find out why meteorologists are sounding the alarm.

#GazaFamine #UkraineAid #HongKong

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