French farmers protest against EU trade deal with South America’s Mercosur | DW News

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French farmers are protesting the EU-Mercosur trade deal, fearing that cheaper imports will worsen their already difficult situation.

The farmers argue that the deal threatens their livelihoods by allowing a surge of cheap South American agricultural imports produced under less stringent environmental standards.

The agreement has been in the works for years between the EU and the South American trading bloc Mercosur. Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bolivia are all members of the customs union. The deal would create the world’s largest free trade zone, one that would encompass 700 million people.

While the aim of the deal is to lower tariffs and boost trade, French farmers have long expressed concerns that a Mercosur accord will bring more beef, chicken, sugar and maize from Brazil and Argentina to Europe, lowering their incomes.

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