Germany restricts use of AstraZeneca vaccine to over 60s | DW News

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Germany decided to suspend the routine use of the AstraZeneca vaccine for people under age 60 at an emergency meeting.

Authorities in the cities of Berlin and Munich had earlier decided to limit the use of the vaccine.

People under 60 can still receive the shot, but only “at the discretion of doctors, and after individual risk analysis and thorough explanation,” according to a document seen by the DPA news agency.

The decision came amid fresh concern over unusual blood clots reported in a tiny number of younger people who received the vaccine.

Germany’s permanent vaccine commission, known by the short name STIKO, earlier on Tuesday published new guidelines recommending that the AstraZeneca vaccine be issued only to those over 60.

It said it had made the decision “on the basis of currently available data on the occurrence of rare, but very serious thrombosis-related side-effects.” The commission said that it would issue guidelines on what to do for adults under 60 who had received a first AstraZeneca shot and were due another by the end of April.


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