Is funding and political support for combatting the climate crisis drying up? | DW News

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An independent group of scientists monitoring climate change says that there’s been no progress on lowering the forecast for global warming, for a third year in a row. Their warning comes as countries are gathered in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the annual UN-sponsored climate talks. The focus at this year’s COP29 is on setting new financial goals to help developing countries cope with the effects of climate change. Bangladesh’s new leader Muhammad Yunus slammed rich countries responsible for decades of carbon emissions, for not being willing to pay their fair share. Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels reached a record high in 2023, the UN is warning that 2024 is the first year the world has cracked the 1.5 degree global warming target set in the Paris Agreement. What’s the point of COP if there seems to be no political will to make the changes we need to avoid a climate catastrophe? DW speaks with Jennifer Morgan, German State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Policy.

#COP29 #ClimateChange #CarbonEmissions

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