Migrants in Mexico travel on ‘train of death’ to US

Estimated read time 2 min read

Mexico and the United States are working together to hamper or stop thousands of migrants reaching the US-Mexico border in the run up to America’s presidential elections.

A month-long Sky News investigation from the south of Mexico to the north reveals a coordinated policy of sometimes violent disruption of the migrants’ passage north. Combined with eyewitness testimony, our cameras capture migrants forced off trains, mistreated and herded into buses and vans and forced south on multiple occasions.

The team managed to board “The Beast”, a freight train that the migrants clamber on board to speed up their journey, despite the risks of travelling on the roof at high speed, exposed to the elements, and constantly in danger from gangs that prey on them as they travel thousands of miles through Mexico

Read more: https://news.sky.com/story/riding-the-beast-electric-shocks-beatings-and-brandings-13154409

#Mexico #Migration #WorldNews #USA #Shorts #SkyNews #America #Border

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