Prince Charles attends opening of UK parliament for first time in 17 years

Estimated read time 1 min read British monarch Queen Elizabeth II has given the traditional Queen’s Speech which opens a new parliamentary session.

Seated on a throne, and alongside her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth was also accompanied by her son, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, who has not attended an opening of parliament since 1996. His wife, Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall was there for the first time.

From the House of Lords, Queen Elizabeth spoke to both houses of parliament.

As anticipated, immigration was a key issue.

“My government will bring forward a bill that further reforms Britain’s immigration system. The bill will ensure that this country attracts people who contribute and deters those who will not,” said Queen Elizabeth.

The speech read by the Queen is written by the government, and outlines its policies and proposed legislation for the new parliamentary session.

The focus on immigration comes after the success of the anti-immigration UK Independence Party in last week’s local elections, and the Conservative Party losing 335 seats.

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