Russia tightens grip on Ukraine’s Donbas Region | DW News

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Moscow has set it sights on gaining control of the Donbas, Ukraine’s industrial heartland. Russian troops are attempting to encircle Ukrainian forces by seizing key highways in the region.

Ukraine says 50 towns in the region came under shelling Thursday, which killed at least 9 people. With Russian troops gaining ground, residents here see no escape in sight.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is frustrated that the European Union has struggled to reach a consensus on its latest sanctions against Russia.

“How many more weeks will the European Union try to agree on a sixth package?” Zelenskyy said during a late-night address.

Ukrainian authorities there are facing a massive undertaking in investigating crimes committed by Russian soldiers. More than 13.000 cases of crimes against civilians, including the murder, rape and torture are being investigated. In the Kyiv region even months after the occupation, new crimes are discovered every day.


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