Russian president to visit North Korea: Putin to meet Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang

Estimated read time 2 min read

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is set to touch down in North Korea for his first trip there in more than two decades.
He’s already travelled through Yakutsk in Russia’s far east and he’s expected to be in Pyongyang later on Tuesday evening.
Putin’s trip is aimed at strengthening ties and getting munitions as well as developing trade that avoids Western sanctions.

Al Jazeera’s Rob McBride has the latest from Yeonpyeong in South Korea, which is on the maritime border with the North.
And there will be much to discuss between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un when they meet.
Both leaders need military assistance from each other, as Al Jazeera’s Defence Editor Alex Gatopoulos explains.

Robert Kelly is a professor of International Relations at Pusan National university.
He says the war in Ukraine in taking its toll on Russia and Moscow needs to purchase armaments from other countries.

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