South Africa’s anti-migrant ‘Operation Dudula’ registers as political party | DW News Africa

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Operation Dudula, an anti-migrant group in South Africa, has registered as a political party to run in the country’s 2024 elections.
The organization was created in 2020 as a social-media campaign with the hashtag “#PutSouthAfricaFirst.” It later morphed into an organization called ‘Operation Dudula.’ The word Dudula means ‘push out’ in the Zulu language.
The group has become notorious for raiding businesses owned by foreign nationals – aiming to drive them out of the country. President Cyril Ramaphosa has condemned Operation Dudula as a “vigilante-like force.” But authorities have been seen as slow in tackling increasing mob justice. We will get more from our analyst in a moment but first DW’s Dianne Hawker has this report from Johannesburg.

00:00 Introduction
00:49 Dianne Hawker reports from Johannesburg
04:43 Discussion with expert Dr Anthony Kaziboni


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