Violence against women and girls remains one of the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violations in the world. According to the UN a woman is killed every 10 minutes.
This silent epidemic is only getting worse. So, what drives this violence? Is it purely the actions of individual men, or does the problem lie in deeper societal structures that systematically undervalue women?
Are men alone to blame, or do factors like flawed upbringing and rigid gender roles contribute? And why is violence against women more prevalent in certain regions as compared to others? Today, on To The Point, we are discussing: Violence against women: An epidemic no one cares about?
Our guests: Gilda Sahebi. She is a German Iranian journalist, (a trained physician) and an author. She writes actively on discrimination and violence against women in Iran.
Zohra Soori-Nurzad. She is a German Afghan activist and social entrepreneur. With her charitable project she supports women and children in Afghanistan.
Yoghita Bhayana. She is an anti-rape activist. Her organization supports rape survivors get justice in India.
00:00 Intro
02:10 How is the situation for women in Iran?
02:30 The government in Iran is attempting to oppress women with the mandatory hijab law
04:03 The situation of women under Taliban in Afghanistan
04:45 The Taliban have stripped women of all their rights
05:20 The vice and virtue law In Afghanistan seeks to completely silence women
05:44 The Taliban do not treat women as human beings
06:05 India is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for women
07:10 Data and statistics on femicide worldwide
08:40 Femicide – the suppressed threat?
09:30 A girl was raped in the heart of a city in India
10:30 How does the government respond to situation of women in India?
11:30 In India, for women things have changed on paper, but not in practice
12:40 Was Iran once a better place for women?
13:30 In Iran women had more rights before the Islamic Revolution
14:16 Is religion responsible for the oppression of women?
15:40 How significant is religion in India when it comes to the suppression of women?
17:09 What is the situation regarding abortion in Germany?
18:10 The situation in Western countries is also not positive for women
19:02 Women in Germany have to pay 100 Euros per night to stay in a women’s shelter
20:00 The shocking rape case of Gisele Pelicot in France
20:25 Gisele Pelicot: Men should be ashamed, not women
22:20 Rape within marriage was not illegal in Germany until 1997
24:00 How can we change men’s behavior towards women?
24:30 Violence is a societal problem, not just an individual one
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