It’s a plan aimed at limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to cross the southern United States border.
Joe Biden said after signing the executive order this week, that he did what he can to address the border.
He blamed Republicans for not reaching a bipartisan border security deal in Congress.
The US has seen record numbers of asylum seekers at the border with Mexico.
And the issue has dominated the campaign trail ahead of November’s presidential election.
So, is this move politically motivated?
Presenter: Cyril Vanier
Krish O’Mara Vignarajah – President and CEO of the non-profit organisation, Global Refuge.
Amy Koch – Republican Strategist.
Leon Fresco – Immigration Attorney and a Former Deputy Assistant Attorney in Charge of Immigration at the Department of Justice during the Obama administration.
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#UnitedStates #US #JoeBiden #USMexicoBorderCrisis #USImmigrationPolicy #California #USBorderPatrol #Biden #USAsylumSeekers #AlJazeeraEnglish
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