Worst ever Big Pharma acquisition? | DW News

Estimated read time 2 min read

It’s been described as one of the worst corporate acquisitions in history. When German company Bayer bought US seed-maker Monsanto for $63 billion in 2018, it inherited billions of dollars worth of lawsuits from farmers who claimed its weedkiller, Roundup had caused their cancer. Today Bayer’s entire market value is less than half of what it spent to buy Monsanto. DW Business sat down with Bayer CEO Bill Anderson to ask him how he plans to turn his company’s fortunes around and how it felt to face shareholders for the first time. The discussion covers Bayer`s struggles to deal with the litigation costs linked to Roundup, the looming loss of patents on two of its best-selling drugs, accusations about its operations in South America and the company`s dealings with China. Bill Anderson also describes his new “Dynamic Shared Ownership” model, with which he is hoping to drive innovation, bring down costs and speed up processes within the company.

#bayer #monsanto #takeover
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